There were two main political groupings pressing for independence. 有两大政治团体力主独立。
Without political independence, you can't begin to talk about economic independence. 没有政治上的独立,就谈不到经济上的独立。
The burgeoning market transformed the Kachin insurgency, which had started in 1961 as a fight mostly about political independence, into a raging battle that extends to natural resources. 这个新兴市场把始于1961年的克钦叛乱,从一个主要是有关政治的独立斗争,转变为一场延伸到自然资源的熊熊战火。
A bigger handicap is that his greatest political strength independence is also an electoral weakness. 独立自主是他最强势的政治力量,同时也是他的选举劣势。
As a last resort, the ECB Council, which prides itself on its political independence, could simply ignore Berlin. 作为最后一招,以政治独立为傲的欧洲央行理事会,可以决定对柏林方面置之不理。
But its ability to do so depends upon its economic credibility and political independence, attributes the Fed has compromised in this crisis. 但它之所以能这做,依靠的是自身的经济信誉和政治独立性,但在这场危机中美联储已经损害了这些特质。
As organizations, they have been key forces on behalf of political independence in the former colonial countries. 作为团体组织,它们在前殖民地国家已成为代表政治独立的关键力量。
All branched from the central fact that political independence did not bring cultural independence, and that the former led to a clamour for the latter. 根本原因是政治独立并没有带来文化独立,正因为有了前者,人们才大声疾呼要有后者。
Their stubborn resolve to win political independence. 他们要赢得政治独立的顽强决心。
During his lifetime, his music became closely linked with the movement toward black political independence that was then prominent in several African and South American countries. 在他的一生期间,他的音乐成为了严密与运动连接往是然后突出的在几个非洲和南美国家的黑政治独立。
This debate is not about tools it is about the political will and independence to use those tools. 这场辩论与工具无关,有关的是使用那些工具的政治意愿和独立性。
It was a very important test for all of our people, a test of political maturity and independence. 对我国的全体人民来说,这是一场非常重要的考验,一场关于政治成熟和独立的考验。
Although the Chinese bourgeoisie may take part in the revolutionary war at certain historical junctures, yet its selfishness and lack of political and economic independence render it both unwilling and unable to lead china's revolutionary war on to the road of complete victory. 中国资产阶级虽然在某种历史时机可以参加革命战争,然而由于它的自私自利性和政治上经济上的缺乏独立性,不愿意也不能领导中国革命战争走上彻底胜利的道路。
Its objectives are the reunification of ireland, political independence and national sovereignty. 它的目标是实现爱尔兰的重新统一,政治独立和国家主权。
Immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence. 不受权威的武断操纵;争执独立。
To achieve genuine political independence a country must lift itself out of poverty. 一个国家要取得真正的政治独立,必须努力摆脱贫困。
Central banks are imperfect institutions and more so in recent years as they have abdicated their political independence. 央行是有缺陷的机构近年来更是如此,因为它们放弃了自身的政治独立性。
Brunei has established a political monarchy since its independence. It has inherited the kernel of Brunei political tradition in essence despite of some traces of British political system in appearance. 独立后的文莱,在政治上建立了君主立宪制,虽然在其形式上可以看到英国政治体制方方面面的痕迹,但它在本质上传承了文莱传统政治文化的精髓。
Nationalism is a state of psychology and behavior preference of the membership of the national community on the fellow historical culture which represents the demands of political independence and culture unity. 本文认为,所谓民族主义,就是民族共同体成员基于共同的历史文化基础而表现出来的要求本民族政治独立与文化统一的一种心理状态与行为取向。
The electoral college under function of the party politics has lost political independence, thus it has become two party's tool. 美国政党的出现,使总统选举人不再具有原始的独立性,而变成了政党的工具;
According to Morrison, the survival of the black ethnic group can not be guaranteed only through its possession of political rights and economic independence, but also through the retaining of their black traditional culture. 莫里森曾说过,黑人民族要生存下去,除了拥有政治权利和经济独立以外,必须保留住黑人文化。
This, in turn, laid the economic and social foundation for political independence. 正是这种发展使之具备了谋取政治独立的经济和社会基础。
In this regard, leaders in Central Asia have demonstrated mature political wisdom after independence. 在这方面,中亚各国领导人在独立之初就表现出成熟的政治智慧。
Sooner after political independence, Indian firms started to invest outward by setting up joint ventures or wholly owned subsidiaries. 独立后不久,印度企业便开始在海外创办合资或独资企业,进行对外直接投资活动。
Political independence or sovereignty the separatists of Quebec always fought for is the main cause for constitution crisis. 魁北克分离主义的独立要求是导致当代加拿大宪法危机的主要原因。
The key problem of the postcolonial societies is that the people are still burdened by the economical imperialism of the West after their political independence. 后殖民社会存在的主要问题是他们在政治独立以后仍受西方国家的经济压迫。
Meanwhile, research on Home Market Effect will also help protect our political and economic independence and security. 同时,对本土市场效应的研究还有利于保障我国政治上和经济上的独立自主与安全。
Relative to the affiliation without political connections, the listed company with political connection has higher independence in audit committee, but its audit committee has lower professional and activity level. 说明相对于没有政治联系的上市公司,有政治联系的上市公司其审计委员会有较高的独立性,但其审计委员会的专业性和活跃性较低。
During the period of Persian Wars, the heavy infantry system protected effectively the political independence of the Greek world and achieved its military value. 在希波战争时期,重装步兵体制有效地保护了希腊世界的政治独立,实现其自身的军事价值。
Regional society that combined separation and solidarity justified its independence by western modern political idea while reaping political independence continually. 既分裂又凝聚的地域社会,在不断获得政治独立性的时候,以来自西方的现代政治理念证明这种自主的合法性。